IBD Awareness week

Resultado de imagen de ibd awareness week 2019

Only three weeks left for IBD Awareness week! December 1 - 7 is the chosen date to make IBD visible. You can show your support spreading the word, sharing an image about IBD in your social media, contacting with all the differnt Crohn's & Colitis Foundations all over the world to become an IBD advocate and discover specific ways by which you can let the IBD community know that you are proud to stand with them. All together lets make IBD VISIBLE! 

For example, Chron's & Colitis Foundation has started a lovely project in which you can create your own infographic IBD story to share your experience as patient with everybody (https://site.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/AwarenessWeek/) Don't be shy and share your fight against IBD! You are not alone 
